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Notice of Public Hearing

Notice of Public Hearing

 Pursuant to section 67.110, Revised Statutes of Missouri, a public hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 28th , 2024 at the Ralls County Courthouse, located in New London, Missouri, at which citizens may be heard on the property tax rates proposed to be set by the Ralls County Ambulance District, a political Subdivision. The tax rate will be set to produce the revenue for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2025. The tax is calculated by dividing the assessed valuation by 100, then multiplying that total by the proposed tax rate.

This year, real and personal property values are assessed as below:


ASSESSED VALUATION               PRIOR YEAR                       CURRENT TAX YEAR

                                                                    2024                                               2025


Total Real and Personal Property:       $216,275,574                                 $208,039,573

The maximum allowed tax rate set by the state for 2025 is $0.42 per $100.  Based on the assessed value for 2025, the revenue received, according to the assessed valuation, will be $873,766.21.              

Bids for Generator through 3/20/24

The Ralls County Ambulance District is accepting bids for a natural gas generator at the base in Perry. Every bid must be accompanied by a bidder's bond, a certified check, or a cashier's check, made payable to Ralls County Ambulance District (RCAD), in the amount of 5% of the total bid.  Checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned, and the check or bond of the successful bidder will be held as a guaranty that the terms of the bid will be complied with. Specifications may be picked up at 142 Jaycee Dr. in Hannibal, MO 63401.

RCAD is exempt from state and federal excise and sales taxes and no amount for such taxes are to be included in the bid price.

RCAD reserves, to itself, the right to reject any or all bids and to award the contract, as it deems necessary and in the best interest of RCAD.

The winning bidder is responsible for the delivery of materials, supplies or services contained in the bid.

All envelopes must be sealed and marked plainly, mailed to:

                                                    Ralls County Ambulance District

                                                             "Perry Generator”

                                                               Project #0124

                                                              142 Jaycee Dr.

                                                       Hannibal, MO 63401

Bids will be opened at the Ralls County Courthouse, 311 S. Main, New London, Missouri at 6:00 pm on March 20th, 2024. Bids received after this time will be returned, unopened, to the bidder.

Bid specs.pdf